theresa mARTin

mixed media art


Royal Reliquary – Fit For A Queen

Royal Reliquary

Royal Reliquary

Royal Reliquary Detail

Royal Reliquary Detail

This is the latest Paperwhimsy inspire piece and you can read more about how it was made HERE. I love Gale’s new reliquary form and it comes in two sizes, medium at  6-1/4″ tall by  6″ and large at 8″ tall by 7-3/4. I used the large one for this piece. You can buy them HERE. It’s a great form for making a Christmas piece, and it’s simple to put together. The images and embellishments you choose for inside the panels can give you a lot of wow factor.

Paperwhimsy Reliquary Base

Paperwhimsy Reliquary Base


‘Tis the time of the year for Icons

Rust and Rhinestone Fortune Icon Detail

Rust and Rhinestone Fortune Icon Detail

The Artistic Artifacts Metallic Challenge brought out the Magpie in me. I love metallic finishes such as rust, gold, rhinestones and the metallic threads that go with my new interest in embroidery. I wanted to create a piece that felt like metal but was made with pliable materials. I like the idea that the materials disguise themselves as something stronger.

Rust and Rhinestone Fortune Icon

Rust and Rhinestone Fortune Icon

This is the piece I submitted to the Metallic Challenge. The guest curator is Diane Herbort. A public exhibit of all challenge entries will open with a reception on Saturday, January 18, 2014. The exhibit will close on Saturday, February 8, with another reception.

If you are in the area, please save those dates and come on by! You will love your visit to Artistic Artifacts. The exhibition will be filled with over 40 gorgeous pieces of 8″ x 10″ ‘metallic’ art. If you can’t make it in person you can always visit and shop there virtually.

P.S. If you’d like to enter too, even though the deadline is November 23, I’ll bet you could shoot Judy an email and ask for a wee extention.