theresa mARTin

mixed media art


EMERGE Santos Cage Doll and a Paperwhimsy Gift Certificate Giveaway

Today we have the latest paperwhimsy creation for the inspire blog and a giveaway. This is a record long post for me. It’s mainly photos and the giveaway details.  I loved working with this new Santos Cage Doll Form.

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

A Cage was formed by adding rusty wire to the base.

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

A very old coin purse became a main element to the piece.

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

Detail of EMERGE – horse breaking through cage.

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

EMERGE Mixed Media Santos Cage Doll by theresa mARTin

Santos Cage Doll made with the base available from

theresa mARTin Horse

This is the old horse I rusted and used for the center figure in the cage.

Visit the paperwhimsy inspire blog to read how I made this piece. The inspire post will be available on Friday, April 26th.

giveaway paperwhimsy


For your chance to win a $25.00 gift certificate from  you can:

  • Like the paperwhimsy Facebook Page and let me know in the comments here that you did.
  • If you are already a fan, how about sharing the paperwhimsy Facebook Page and/or this giveaway with your friends on Facebook or on your blog?

The one mandatory requirement is to leave a comment here, so I can reach you. For those who don’t like to leave public comments, you can send me an email by using the Contact link at the top of this of this page.

The winner will be selected at random and announced on this blog on Friday, May 3rd.

Thanks to Gale for her generosity in sponsoring this giveaway.


There will be five other winners of consolation prizes. I am also giving away five 4″x4″ collages.

theresa mARTin giveaway



Weird Bird Whimsy Wagon

theresa mARTin Weird Bird Whimsy Wagon

theresa mARTin Weird Bird Whimsy Wagon

A Weird Bird Whimsy Wagon

When I spied the Fancy Ornaments, I thought they would make an awesome structure for a carousel. Read more at paperwhimsy…